... This summer was sooooooo Very Blessed!
May each breath be filled with gratitude,
May our energy be warm and kind,
May are hearts forgive,
May good health and wealth bring blessings,
with harm to none and goodwill to all.
Thanks to my beloved for his gift with the camera!
and capturing our special Hallowsmas guest!
We had a truly blessed Fall Equinox!!
Many thanks to Megan who shared powerfully her keynote on Forgiveness.
A key piece to balance and kindness.
Check out the link her talk is on it:)
Triumph of the Heart: Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World
Thanks to Carolynn Christian and her horses of Sheridan Creek Out Fitters!!!
For making the Equinox so special!
from a Workbook of Light & Luna
We are looking forward to Hallowsmas!
Carving pumpkins with intent, honoring the sacred stone of self,
a sacred fire for our Ancestors! An all day event with ceremony at 6pm.
Be Blessed & Blessed Be,