May the winds of the east soar you to new perspectives.
May the Fires of the South bring warmth and Life!
May the Waters of the West flow through us with love and kindness.
May the bounty of good health and true wealth bless us.
May we walk in Balance, with harm to none and goodwill to all.
Happy March!!!
Lunar dates for ritual are posted on the website: www.academyoftheancientarts.org
May this month bring blessings of Balance as light and dark will be even on the 19th,
the Spring Equinox!!

We will be celebrating at the Shingletown Sanctuary at noon.
We will be blessing seeds, celebrating balance and light's power.
Everyone is Welcome! You can bring seeds to be blessed and taken home to plant. We will be blessing our garden seeds for the Sanctuary!
May your Equinox be Blessed!!!!

We are having a very special Beltane!
A 3- day Event!!! Including a sacred journey into the Shasta Caverns for Beltane's Eve!
Please let me know if you plan on attending so we have enough provisions and can let the cavern folk know how many of us to expect.

Shout out to Sister Dawn And her work.
Wanted to share for anyone interested.
"A 2 day retreat to awaken deeper levels of grace, joy, healing, compassion, renewal of the soul and experience the love you are seeking in your self. Come be with beautiful sisters and walk in Grace together."
May this Spring bring new life, growth and joy!
Be Blessed & Blessed Be,
Debi LeFaye
Happy to see Spring!