We are looking forward to these upcoming classes.
All Classes (except Smudging) come with a PDF!
Class offered at the Academy Sanctuary
Friday, August 26 / 10 - noon / $25 donation
Make your own Smudge Stick
and learn how to use it! This is a fun hands on class :)
All ages!
Class begins Monday, September 5 starting at 9am
Zoom Class .5 hour, if class chooses Skype or in person 1.5 hours
$30 donation
Learn the Elements!
This 6 week course is a prerequisite for many of the others.
Course covers the Elemental Energies, Male and Female Energy.
Thursday, September 1
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm / $25 donation
Wild Crafting!
Enjoy a day at the Sanctuary learning 9 sacred plants and how they are used.
This class is not offered online, It requires smelling, touching and even tasting!
September 23 - 25 / Fri, Sat & Sun / 9 am - 3 pm
The Elements or Lesson's around the Circle are prerequisite.
Rune Lessons
Make a set of Runes while learning how to read them.
This will be a weekend class:
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Be Blessed & Blessed Be,
Debi LeFaye