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... Our Sacred Lodge ...

The Tipi

May we Celebrate with Joy!

The Sacred Lodge rose up just before the Fall Equinox, with blessed circle!

It was so AMAZING!!!





Special thanks to our Black Knight, The Lady Rose, Hiawatha, Sandy the 'hat lady', Sir William,

Lady Georgia who did wonders blessing everyone, TracyAnn who brought her sacred drum and sang as the poles where lifted, Tamara the hard worker for helping get the lodge up! And to Roger our neighbor and William for getting the Rain Cover up (no small feat!).

And HUGE HUGS for everyone who donated!!!

The Academy now has a sacred temple! We built our first fire in her :)

Wonderful. My Black Knight and I put up the liner which keeps the lodge warmer. I will be painting it this winter :)

Pictures & Stories


We met the driver for the poles at the elementary school at the end of our road. He was so wonderful, we brought him back some goat cheese, as he had been a chef and missed it! It was quite a load for the little black truck, but we got her back to the sanctuary and unloaded the sacred poles. Gaurding them from rain until they could be sanded and finished.

Our Black Knight spent much love and energy sanding and finishing. He did amazing work.


I wood burnt the lifting pole to honor Greg who supported the raising of the Tipi from the other side. His favorite tree, name and a shark ...given his nickname was Sharky.

The sacred drum played by TracyAnn for the lifting of the poles.

The poles are up. The ground cloth down, now to bring her covering and attach to the lifting pole which is the one wood burnt. Thanks Greg for lifting up our sacred lodge.

It took many hands to get it moved! Loved the team work!

Wrapping the lodge was done with much work. A taller ladder would have helped. We have since gotten a taller ladder :)

Truly a site to see, the unwrapping, the billowing!

Ahhh the tipi is up!!

The lodge has the liner up now, which I will be painting the winter. And the fire in it is Yummy!

The first fire in the lodge at night to Celebrate the Winter Solstice! Thanks to my Black knight Chaz for the beautiful photo!


Thanks to All who shared video of that sacred day, most notably Hiawatha :)

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