Beltane Ceremony

Three day Ceremony at the Shingletown Sanctuary
Was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
We had such a wonder filled Beltane!!!
It will go down in Memory! or Rise up!
Please enjoy the photos shared by some of those who were there :)
We started on the Eve of Beltane with a journey into Shasta's Sacred Caverns ...
A boat ride across the beauty filled waters of Lake Shasta, A bus ride up the mountain and the magic of the deep places!

A special shout out to Lady Shell who made it on CRUTCHES!!! and knew what she was getting into as she scoped out the caverns for us!
It was truly an honor to share meditation and song in such a sacred place on the Eve of Beltane
Truly the ancestors were with us!

The Entrance to the caverns!
Opening to the crystal earthen world!
Beltane Day
Our beautiful tree lights up with roses growing up her!
Every year she drapes herself in beauty for the Beltane!
We enjoyed the girls decorating us with flowers gathered from the land! And soooo many flowers the sanctuary has!!!!!
We danced the Maypole with our intentions and joyfully welcomed the fullness of spring and the coming warmer days of summer.