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Academy of the Ancient Arts

Vi är ...

Ett jordtempel som firar livet och skönheten i detta område.
Måncyklerna och säsongsförändringarna är rytmer vi följer,

som ger balans och visdom i naturen.

Fri att namnge våra gudar, gudinnor, änglar eller totemer när vår ande leder,

utan bedömning av andras vägar.

Löfte att leva våra liv utan att skada någon och god vilja för alla.

Vi hedrar de fyra riktningarna - element / vakttorn,

liksom balansen mellan det maskulina gudomliga och det feminina gudomliga.

Här för att älska detta rike! Att älska och ta hand om jorden, varandra, våra djurvänner, luften, vattnet, klipporna och elden, till och med det osynliga som existerar bland oss.

En laglig tjänst i Universal Life Church.

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Var välsignad och välsignad vara!

Golden Leaves

Early Lesson's from Grandma:

Mirror Magic

11 X 8.5
Hardback or Soft Back
Blessed, Signed, with a lil' something extra!

So excited to share the first in a series, Early Lesson's from Grandma: Mirror Magic. Inspired by the lessons my Grandmother taught me, having become a Granny myself, this book poured out of me! The Lesson of saying kind things to your 'double' in the mirror and how good it feels has served me well and still does. These books are 11 X 8.5, which can not be done POD (print on Demand). The POD version which will be available 2/22 is 9 X 7 and comes straight off the press. These books, purchased from the Sanctuary, are the larger size, will be signed and have a little something extra with them, and be blessed. May they bless every reader!!! May they look at the mirror with JOY!!! Be Blessed & Blessed Be, Debi LeFaye

Online Order Form

11 X 8.5 Signed & Blessed Books

Directly from the Sanctuary!

Thanks for your order!


Coming Soon! - In Production!


Fall Equinox Gathering

Friday, September 20 - Monday September 24
At the Shingletown Sanctuary

Set up site, feast on brunch, smudging and prepping for the
Sacred Shasta Caverns which we will visit that late afternoon.
With beautiful Sister Kirsten Rose Singing and I will lead a
Fall Meditation.

Good morning time with breathing and meditation and breakfast.
Prepping and blessing the ground for the Tipi.
Making sacred rattles from gourds grown on Sanctuary land

Our Tipi will be larger 24'

We will have lunch and dinner, with snacking on goodness from the land throughout the day!

We will have singing around the fire pit after dinner with a time for everyone to recieve a blessing!

Good morning time with breathing and meditation and breakfast.
Finishing getting the Tipi ready then ....

where we raise the tipi to the heavens!

Fall Ceremony
Blessing of the corn and herbs
The Sacred Cornucopia
A Blessing to the Ancestors
Chaz and I will renew our vows

Good morning time with breathing and meditation and breakfast.
Fall Equinox Celebration!!!!

Solar System

Lunar Rituals at the Sanctuary

Celebrate the Lunar Cycles and the Energy they hold!

Click Lunar Images for more information.

Full Moon Image

Full Moon - September17 at Moonrise 

Celebrate the Full moon! Make Holy Water.

Waning Moon Image

Waning Moon -September 24 at 2pm

Sacred Fire to burn away ickies.

Nwe Moon Image

New Moon -September 2 at 10 am

Setting intentions for the lunar cycle ahead.

Waxing Moon Image

Waxing Moon -September 10 at 2pm 

Bring a candle to carve and bless.


Ritualer / välsignelser / ceremonier / läror

Användande: Elementära krafter på jorden, luft, vatten och eld,

Månenergier och solenergi

med skada för ingen och god vilja för alla

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s>


Snälla njut av



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Click Calendar symbols for more information

New Moon Image
Dark Moon Image
Waxing Moon Image
Full Moon Image
Waning Moon Image

Click to Download


May the East bless you with Perspective!
May the South bless you with with Energy!
May the West Waters refresh you
r heart with kindness and love!
May the North bless you with true wealth and sacred grounding.

With harm to none and goodwill to all!


Debi LeFaye

debi n Scionaka
Debi N Nakoda
Debi n the butterflies

Blessings from the Shingletown Sanctuary! We are so very blessed!!! We had a near brush with a wild fire (Parks) and moved the goats and tools etc. Thanks to everyone who helped us hold what is dear! Sooooo many folks helped us, from donations to get an RV, to someone going out of their way to help us pick it up! The Sanctuary now has a get a way vehicle :) I am happy to say the goat mammas are still milking! Our Tipi poles arrive today and I will be wood burning Greg's name on the lifting pole. With his passing he has greatly blessed our sanctuary, and we will honor him. The Fall Gathering is going to be AMAZING! So many from the 'old' circle will be there. Truly a time to make new friends and keep the old! On Lammas Day it drizzled and we were able to bring everyone home :) It was truly blessed and magical! May your August bring joy and bountiful harvests! Be Blessed and Blessed Be, Debi

... vem är jag? ...


Mycket välsignad


Lessons Around the Circle 

New animated, Audio Lessons sharing sacred truths around the wheel!

Now for Sale!!!

It's so fun ... like a pop up book!

Please enjoy the intro for free!





Click image for more info

Cover to Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 1 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 2 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 3 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 4 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 5 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 6 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle
Cover Chapter 7 Debi LeFaye's Around the Circle

Free Intro!!!

Remembrance-DebiLeFaye - 12_18_22, 10.45 AMDebiLeFaye
00:00 / 03:24

Enjoy the Waltz,


A Gift from the Sanctuary!      

Check out the January post for the lyrics.

copyrighted 2022

AAA Sweatshirt

Take a moment and ... 

Check out our Gift Shop!

So many awesome, yummy gifts, for yourself or ...

Mug photo by my beloved black knight

The Sanctuary is Open for:

HighDay Ceremonies, Lunar Rituals and FestivitiesWorkshops and in person Readings

Be Blessed & Blessed Be,


”Månens kraft att flytta haven,

kan utnyttjas och välsigna våra liv. ”

Debi's Crystal Ball
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för avläsningar och samråd

Tack för att du skickade!

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